Section Quicklinks

MNA Nonprofit Town Halls

Connect with MNA, other nonprofits, and resources to help you, your organization, and your community.

View schedule below to register for upcoming town halls - a time to learn and share. Free and open. Meetings will be recorded and shared as a resource. Participation means you may be recorded as well. If you prefer to ask questions privately, please contact MNA or set up a 1:1 meeting with our staff.

Town Halls are free and open to all, and will be scheduled as needed. Have a specific question? Email [email protected]

Upcoming Town Hall Schedule

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Upcoming Topics

Nonprofit Data with Resilia

Thursday, July 15th | 2:00 PM

Capturing and using data as a nonprofit can be instrumental in producing successful fundraising campaigns, programmatic storytelling, and connect your mission to your community--though it might be difficult to know where to start. Resilia's team of nonprofit experts will discuss the important ways to communicate your organization's impact through data-driven metrics and narratives to help to achieve and grow your operational goals.

Learn More + Register

MNA Help Desk

Have a question? We are here to listen, and will do our best to connect you with the answers and resources to guide your difficult decisions in the coming days and weeks. Schedule a time to visit 1:1 here, or send an email anytime >>

COVID-19 Resource Page