One of the most powerful ways to educate and engage your community on an issue you care about is to submit a letter to the editor (LTE) or a guest editorial known as an op-ed (“opposite the editorial page”) in your local newspaper. LTEs and op-eds are powerful advocacy tools, allowing your organization to generate interest and increase visibility on an issue you work on, share critical messages with policymakers, and motivate others to join you in taking action.
Submitting and having an LTE or op-ed published is easier than you think. We are fortunate in Montana to have access to many local newspapers that want to share content and perspectives from voices in their communities.
If you’re interested in writing a letter to the editor or an op-ed, but don’t know where to start, MNA has put together a toolkit to help you get started. The toolkit is FREE for MNA members, and $15 for non members. Members must be logged in to download.
In this toolkit, you’ll find guidance and ideas for drafting an LTE or op-ed as a strategy to:
- Bring attention to the issue you work on or your community’s particular challenges.
- Draw connections between issues people see in the news or their communities and deepen understanding.
- Inform policymakers and the public about your organization and its impact on your community.
- Influence policymakers to support or oppose a policy proposal, hold them accountable for a harmful position, or thank them for a vote supporting your issue.
- Influence public opinion and urge others in your community to act on a particular issue.
- Catch the attention of opinion editors or journalists who may want to cover your story or issue further.
- Thank donors after an event or promote upcoming efforts by your organization.
- Motivate other nonprofits to share their voice through the media, multiplying the impact of the work.
- Contribute to telling the story of the nonprofit sector and our role in supporting thriving communities.
Ready to get started?
*MNA members must be logged in to get membership discount
See Lorianne Burhop break down the components of a real letter to the editor, and what makes it effective in the video below.
Share your letters!
We’d love to read your letters to the editor or op-eds. If you or your organization has written a letter to the editor, please share it in our community forum so others can learn from your example and experience.
More Nonprofit Advocacy Resources
Nonprofits & Civic Engagement
If you’re interested in getting your nonprofit involved in civic engagement, this page has the resources you need.