What if your nonprofit could retain just 10% more than the industry average of recurring givers? Not only would this help you raise more funds and meet your fundraising goals, but it’s possible to do simply by focusing on online giving tools and best practices.
In this session, we’ll share lessons learned from our online giving study. We donated $25 to 400 organizations across the U.S. and tracked the giving experience and the thank you results. We’ll share actionable tips to improve your donation experience, landing page, receipting email, thank you process, and follow up activites. Spend less time worrying about your budget and more time on your mission!
With James Goulder of Bloomerang
All sessions will be recorded and available for registered attendees to access, along with all session resources, for six months after the event.
Scholarships are available for MNA Members. If budget is a concern in your ability to attend this training, please let us know! Apply here.
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