Section Quicklinks
Nonprofit Wage & Compensation Report
Coming fall 2024!
MNA Members can receive this tool for FREE by filling out our 2024 Nonprofit Wage and Compensation Survey. The report is $75 for MNA members who do not fill out the survey, and $150 for non-members, regardless of survey participation.
This year, we are partnering with Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska to deliver region-wide nonprofit compensation information. The resulting report will be filterable to state and county levels, as well as to job description and more. If your organization is committed to paying competitively, this is THE TOOL to determine competitive salary levels.
Nonprofit Executive Transition Toolkit
Facing a change in leadership? This guide will help you through the process of hiring a new Executive Director from start to finish. The toolkit features over 20 template documents and tools, plus guiding questions, hiring best practices, and thoughtful advice on how to navigate this critical moment in your nonprofit's growth.
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from First Interstate Bank, the toolkit is free for current MNA members ($45 for non-members).
2023 Nonprofit Economic Impact Report
Every two years, MNA studies the economic impact of Montana's charitable nonprofit sector. Our latest report shows that in 2021 Montana's charitable nonprofits employed 49,610 people and paid just over $2.6 billion in wages. And, charitable nonprofits generated over $11 billion in income which was returned back to Montana through mission driven work. Read the entire report to understand the full extent to which charitable nonprofits are essential to Montana's vitality and prosperity.
2022 Montana Nonprofit Compensation Report
MNA partners with Columbia Books every other year to provide Montana’s nonprofits with wage and benefit information specific to our state’s nonprofit sector. 149 Montana organizations participated in the most recent compensation survey. MNA members who did not take the survey may request a 50% discount code here, allowing you to obtain your copy for $75 rather than the full price of $150.
Not-yet members may purchase the report directly from Columbia books here. Better yet, join MNA and get your discount code!
2022 Montana Foundation Directory
The Montana Foundation Directory contains information from over forty active foundations funding in Montana. These foundations include community foundations, corporate giving programs and foundations, and private foundations. In addition, the Directory highlights best practices in the grant seeking and grant management arena. The articles contain insights from various voices in the field to assist nonprofits and foundations to develop more trusted and effective partnerships.
This directory is currently offered for free - we just ask that you fill out some basic contact information for reporting purposes.
2021 Montana Nonprofit Economic Report
Every two years, MNA studies the economic impact of Montana's charitable nonprofit sector. Our latest report shows that in 2019 Montana's charitable nonprofits employed 51,719 people and paid just over $2.4 billion in wages. And, charitable nonprofits generated nearly $10.5 billion in income which was returned back to Montana through mission driven work. Read the entire report to understand the full extent to which charitable nonprofits are essential to Montana's vitality and prosperity.
Principles and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence (PPNE)
The PPNE details widely-accepted standards and practices of nonprofits. The 36-page guide includes information on each of the 11 principles and a self-assessment booklet that provides an effective evaluation and reflection tool for nonprofit professionals. The PPNE is available digitally at no cost to members. MNA members may purchase additional copies of the booklets for $10. Not-yet members may purchase the PPNE for $20.
2016 Northwest Nonprofit Capacity Report
This report represents 138 Montana nonprofits who responded to the State of the Sector survey in November 2015. The report includes information on nonprofit governance and management practices, including board engagement, program evaluation, written plans and information culture, mission achievement, collaboration and collective action, advocacy and policy, and more. Designed to indicate the health of the nonprofit sector, this is the fourth such survey done in association with State Associations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Ratings are on a 1-10 scale (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) unless otherwise stated.
Research & Resources
If you have any questions about MNA and the research and information we provide about the nonprofit sector in Montana, please contact Liz Moore.