Join Liz Moore as she provides an overview of the current state of Montana’s nonprofit sector and looks ahead at what to expect in the year ahead.
More than 250 nonprofit leaders responded to MNA’s 2023 State of the Nonprofit Sector survey, providing a compelling snapshot of trends and top-of-mind issues for the state’s nonprofits. Liz’s role as Board Chair for the National Council of Nonprofits allows her to consider these issues not only from a state perspective, but from a national context as well. In the coming year ARPA funds will be fully expended, we’ll weather a contentious national election, nonprofits will continue to adapt to a changing donor landscape, and we’ll confront increased questions about “bad-actors” in the nonprofit sector while simultaneously being asked to fill more gaps in communities than ever.
Join Liz and members of the MNA team for this interactive and engaging session as Liz begins a swing through Montana to say thanks and farewell before transitioning out of her role with MNA in May, 2024.
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